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what happen in the future.

1. This evening i was thinking that how the future look like. It's there will be a flying car,or anybody can fly on that time,means that doesn't need to ride the vehicle anymore. it seem look more advance in the technology than the present. So more forwards to the future, it means people will get more comfortable. It's true or not?isn't no problem will occur?..

2. In my opinion, Malaysia want to be as a futuristic country toward the mission of 2020.It like not easy to archive it or maybe impossible , but Malaysian people can do it but take more times.

3. But the problem is like the simple one like i said about the flying car. What happen to Malaysia,cause the flying car no need to use the Tyre. As the one of the most Malaysia export thing, the price of rubber will crush down due to the useless of rubber,and this will impact to Malaysia. Poor people who work at estate will no longer do their ' rutin ' job. Not impossible, poor people be more poor than present.
So what we want ?Try stop the flying car?..hmmmm..

p/s: my grand mother also the person who collect the rubber at the estate.=)
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